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Employer Spotlight: B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim

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TotalLink is all about finding the right job match not the fastest placement. Waiting to find the right fit is often the hardest part for participants and their families, but boy, oh boy, the wait was worth it for Avi. After six months of searching for the right fit, Avi landed a job with his dream employer, B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim (BJBE). Avi’s role as the Learning Center Assistant gives him the opportunity to use his greatest talent - interacting with people. He is responsible for welcoming students at drop off, collecting attendance sheets, delivering office passes, and aiding in the organization of books. 


Avi beams with enthusiasm when asked about this job "I have been working at BJBE for almost four months, and I enjoy every moment. I get to work with great people. No question about it - everyone is very friendly here." One of his favorite tasks involves gathering attendance sheets from teachers, as it allows him to assist in the office. Avi adds, "I really enjoy giving back to the community and being a part of BJBE. I have grown tremendously, and it is fun."



Avi's parents, Carol and Simon Lesser, share, "Avi is so thrilled to have joined the BJBE Team! He has felt welcomed and so sure 'this is the right job for me.' Avi loves greeting all the students as they walk into the door each week and meeting all the teachers, clergy, staff, and congregants. Avi has been very proud to tell all of his friends and family about his new job at the Jewish Learning Center and how he also helps in the office. Avi has been working hard to become more independent each week and has now started taking the ADA transport, Pace's door-to-door bus, to get to work!"



Pictured left, Avi greeting a student with a high-five.

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TotalLink to Community

1200 Shermer Road, Suite 109
Northbrook, IL 60062


Phone: 224-412-4718

We are a 501(c)3 organization.  

Our official name is Total Link To Community Cooperative Incorporated


Copyright 2019 TotalLink to Community

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