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Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community need your support to help them live meaningful lives where they are part of the community and work paid jobs. The services and inclusion they received through high school stopped when they became adults, and the State of Illinois does not provide the funding needed to help these adults live and work as independently as possible.


TotalLink is the link for adults with disabilities to live great lives. Our mission is simple, and our impact is great: We empower adults with disabilities to thrive by working, socializing, learning, and contributing to our community - making their families, workplaces, and communities better for it. 


Because of the generosity of our community,  Levi is thriving. And with your support, we can do more. Your tax-deductible gift can have a life-changing impact for other adults like Levi, by being the link to working, socializing, and contributing to their communities - and making their workplaces and our communities better for it.  

​Don't wait. Make your tax-deductible gift today!

TotalLink to Community is a 501(c)3 organization. Our official name is Total Link To Community Cooperative Incorporated.

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